Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday Doldrums

Very tired today. I'm not sure why. I have spent the last few days cleaning and rearranging things, so perhaps that could be part of it. I put up a few decorations and fancy things on the the walls in the bedroom. It's pretty much finished. I'd like to get a different floor rug, but other than that it's as good as it's likely to get in this tiny apartment. Next is Bastian's room and the living room, which have to be done at the same time, since Bastian has a piece of the sectional couch in his room and I want to move it to the living area. Have to rearrange both rooms at the same time to make that happen.

Tomorrow is soon enough for that, I suppose. It is also likely to snow tomorrow night. Which I would look forward to, except for the fact that the truck doesn't work and we have to walk to school! Ah, well.

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