Thursday, December 8, 2011


My neighbor Sandy gave us a pantry cabinet yesterday. It's empty now, but I plan to do some kitchen rearranging very soon.Perhaps I can make more counter space with this here. It isn't huge or anything, about the size of a regular bookshelf, only a little deeper. I want to put all my baking goods and supplies in there... cake pans, casserole dishes, flour, sugar, etc. Then maybe some canned goods. Also Bastian's after school snacks, so he has easier access to them and won't have to come to me for them.

This may also free up some space in the closet pantry so we can stock up on dry and canned goods. In case there's ever an emergency. I doubt there will be... I have been here three years and we have yet to get a serious snow or storm. I don't remember even losing power more than once for maybe 10 minutes... and that was a scheduled maintenance on base! Still... better to be prepared than to be one of those crazy people buying $40 worth of toilet paper when it looks like a storm 'might' be coming!! *laugh*

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