Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Anything but Rich and Famous

I feel like I'm a fairly simple person. Especially in my views and plans for the future. Oh, not the plans themselves, those are complicated and ever-changing, but in their base nature they are simple.

I have never wanted tons of money, or a mansion or fancy clothes and jewelry. I don't wear any jewelry except my wedding ring and a small religious necklace. I dress down and love it - jeans and t shirts or pajamas if I can get away with it. I surround myself with certain things but they are not expensive things. Used books, yarn and the occasional kitchen gadget.

I do want more, I think everyone who is unsatisfied in life does. I want to own my own ten acres with a small house and a huge barn. I wan to grow all my own food and not be so dependent on the supermarket for everything I need. I want a chicken coop and chickens to feed every morning, eggs to gather and meat from the chicks they brood up. I want to have rabbits for meat, and some dairy goats. for milk, cheese and yogurt. Maybe even raise a pig once a year for ham and sausage. Also a horse... I'm a sucker for horses.

These things are a long way away right now. I can only dream of most of it. Someday I will have these things, I just can't have them all right now. Patience and time..... I can do small things and plan to, but there is only so much you can do in a 600 square foot apartment! We are looking at renting a bigger place, but it has to meet everyone's needs, not just mine. It has to be close enough to a city for my husband to commute for work and close to schools for Bastian who starts Kindergarten in a few weeks. It has to have at least 2 acres so I can homestead it as a practice run to make sure that this is feasible for our family before we sink a ton of money into our own land. I would hate to own a farm and find out I am not up to the task!

So I wait a bit longer. I scour Craigslist and rental ads, covet the American Classifieds and search high and low for a small place fitting all our needs. Most places for rent that "fit the bill" are way too expensive to rent. Maybe not if they were rent to own, but flat out renting yes. Patience is my watch word and patient I will be, though I feel anything but! We are conditioned in today's society to want and want now. Fast food, ready to eat meals, microwaves and Quick-E Marts have sucked the patience right out of us. Logically I know waiting is a must, but that doesn't stop my brain from running farm scenarios before I fall asleep at night!

1 comment:

  1. I use to dream like that too, before I would fall asleep, I would dream up "If I could....I would...." I still do, only now about my business, I'm an artist and antique dealer. Anything worth having, is worth waiting for! In my mid 20's my husband (we were married at 21) use to drive around looking for old farm houses. We both wanted to live out in the country and raise our family there. It was several years - 7 in fact - before we had our dream. We started with a small house with a huge yard in town, it was cheap $25,000 we remodeled it and fixed up the yard really cute. We sold it for $55,0000 and owed only $7,000. We really lived frugally, saved and worked many hours for our dream. We built up equity in that little house so that we could attain our dream of this farm. Good luck and Blessings from Wisconsin!
