Friday, September 16, 2011


What is the meaning of this word... rest? I don't know that I quite comprehend!

Today Bastian was off from school and we spent the morning doing little things around the house. Then we went out to the book store, the pet store and the yarn store. Traded in about 12 books for a few I needed for my collection. Bought dog food on sale for the big white giant and then picked up another couple skeins of that high sierra stripe to be sure I have enough to get those granny squares done. Got 4 skeins for only 6 dollars! Sales are the best. Coupons help.

Now I have to scrub the kitchen floor where a certain 5 year old decided crayon drawings would look fancy. Lucky that wax comes right off the linoleum. Better than drawing on the walls I suppose, though he knows better than to draw on anything but paper. I have no idea what he was thinking with this stunt!

Ah, the work never ends. Just slows a bit. It's an ebb and flow much like the ocean tides. Sometimes there's more mess than usual, sometimes all is calm and serene. And then you get the occasional tidal wave! *laugh*

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