Monday, September 5, 2011


I believe I have caught the cold virus that has been plaguing everyone else. I thought I had dodged it, but apparently it was lurking somewhere waiting to pounce on me unsuspecting. I was up most the night with drainage and a small but nasty cough. Today my throat is sore and my nose a bit stuffy. It doesn't seem so bad yet, and I'm hoping to get a jump on it and pin it down before it goes all crazy like my husband had. He was hacking for days and sneezing like he had been dumped in a dustbin full of pepper. He looked miserable and I have no desire to be anywhere near as unhappily ill. So the plan is herbal teas with honey, vitamin C and orange juice. Rest, rest, rest... as much as can be had with a 5 year old on  Labor Day break... and if it doesn't seem to be fading by the evening perhaps some Nyquil. At least it's just a cold and not the flu....

Now where did I put that peppermint tea.

1 comment:

  1. cesar is sick too! of course it's way down here in texas and you are way up there! still.. tis the season! i refuse to be as sick as well.. I've got too much to do.. but I am lazy with him on his sick day. I think a movie later might be jsut the ticket.. and tea!
