Well, after sleeping for pretty much two days straight I think I've finally shaken the worst of this cold bug. I still have a bit of a cough and some drainage, but that should clear up in the next day. There really is only so much herbal teas can do before you have to resort to NyQuil and Tylenol. At least I got some much needed rest. Bastian was so loving yesterday, even cuddled with me for a short nap in the afternoon. I have the most thoughtful 5 year old on the planet.
One week until my birthday. One week until I'm not in my 20's anymore. I suppose I shouldn't be as down about it as I am. I haven't felt like a 20-somehting in years, why should the date make a difference? Still... I guess I equate 20 with young and 30 with old. My parents are 30, how can I be!? (Well, of course they aren't now, but they were when I remember them best....) I'm a parent now so 30 is inevitable. That doesn't mean I have to like it.
I'm not having a party, or anything fancy. Maybe some cake for myself. I'm hoping for that sewing machine, but thinking I'll probably have to buy it for myself. I have hinted that that is what I want to my husband, but our relationship lately has not been the greatest and I doubt he cares. We shall see.
I'm going to take one more lazy day and not clean anything. Tomorrow is Monday and I can clean just as well then. Probably better since Bastian will be at school.
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