Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Things I One Day Wish To Have - Ep. 01

So I've decided to start a new segment entitled "Things I One Day Wish To Have." Wherein I discuss .. what else... things I want! *laugh* I don't need these now, certainly, but one day I want to need them.

Today's feature: The Cream Separator

Ideally I would love a good hand crank cream separator. They are expensive if you buy them new, so likely I will look for one that is used.Goats milk is notoriously hard to get the cream out of without one of these. It can be done but not easily. If I want to make butter and have cream for baking or cooking I'm fairly sure one of these will be needed often. Not to mention the milk once separated will be leaner, which I prefer. I never did much care for the taste of whole milk on cereal or in a glass.

I want a hand crank one because I don't like the reliance on electricity. I'm not saying I want to live without electricity, but I feel safer knowing I can still complete routines and chores without depending on it. Some places and homes in the city would just shut down completely if there were no "juice." Laundry would never be washed, dishes would be left undone and people would go a bit stir crazy because of the reliance on video games and t.v. for entertainment. *laugh* Well, maybe I'm not giving them enough credit, but I'm sure you can see my point. The whole idea is to be self reliant and self sufficient. That to me means doing what you can to cut reliance on everything, not just grocery stores and the like.

1 comment:

  1. I like your spirit! I can see you with a farm and what not. Then, when the world ends I can come mooch off you for not being prepared! jk jk But seriously that's cool.
