Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cleaning Again

Another day of cleaning. This time I don't have a choice over it though. Apparently there will be an apartment inspection Friday. This is actually the first time they have done this in the two years we've lived here. Last year they just gave us batteries for the smoke detector. This year the note on the door said they also wanted to check the plumbing. I think it's a ploy to enter the apartments and check up on residents. I'm not worried about us, the place stays clean and we aren't violating our lease any, but I do know the neighbors across the way may be in for some trouble. They have a pet, but no pet sticker on their door. Not to mention that it always reeks of pot smoke in the hallway. To be honest I hope they do get in trouble for it. I don't really need that sort of thing going on with Bastian getting old enough to understand it!

In other news... It snowed today! *little happy dance* There was a good 2 or 3 inches when I took Bastian to school this morning and it was still coming down lightly when I walked the dog. I plan to settle into a good quilt and savor a mug of hot chocolate right after the house is done. Open all the blinds so I can watch the snow fall on the sidewalk. The only thing I could wish for today ... well, I could wish for a few things, but what I really wish for is a nice screened in porch overlooking a large pasture and a strong, sweet  man to cuddle up with. Then the scene would be complete. I can settle for hot chocolate for now though! *grin*

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