Monday, October 24, 2011

Manic Mondays

It's Barnhop day! Despite the fact that I knew Monday was looming I still completely forgot to prepare for it. I actually didn't make anything interesting this weekend. I was extremely lazy kitchen wise. I did manage to make a bunch of other things though. Which I can share with you now instead of a recipe.

My son wanted me to make a heart:

I also made him a dinosaur as a  surprise last Friday:
It looks kind of more like the Loch Ness Monster, because of how long the neck came out. I really liked his head and how it shaped up though..

If I were to do him again I would alter the neck part of the pattern to be shorter and thicker. I might also position the legs differently. Possibly make them shorter and thicker too.

 Also, I'm working on a horse, which is bigger than my others have been. I only have the hooves done. I hope to finish it by Friday, but we'll see. I may have it done sooner if I can get the house all clean today and not have to worry about it the rest of the week.

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