Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Another commission for my five year old. It's kind of cute. An inch worm.

 His smile is a little crooked, but that's just something that I have to practice. I've never embroidered on crochet work before. The hardest part of this guy were the three bends to shape his body. The most frustrating part was having to stuff him with cotton balls because I didn't have any polyfil! Just means he can never get dirty and never get wet....

I love how I can start out with string and end up with something like this. While it is forming it never looks like much, but then -tadaaa- it shapes up into something horribly cute. Now if only I could afford more yarn... Ah, well. I'll settle for using the last of what I have here for now. I may have some in the storage closet too, from last year.

I think this year, since we have no Christmas items.. we lost them two years ago... I will crochet ornaments and decorations. That is, if Bastian will quit asking for witches, ghosts and worms!


  1. Wow, that is are VERY gifted.

  2. I liked the pumpkin and the worm! It's just amazing all of the things you can create.
